Denise is a hot mistress. She has nice tits and a nice ass but what is cutest about her are her hands. She has a hand fetish and loves her hands to bits. She never runs out of opportunities to pamper them. And when she is very pleased with you, she can give you a heavenly handjob with her hands. But if not, she can choke you with the same hands.
Mistress Cassie has a hand fetish but for her, it does not mean what it does for other mistresses. For others, it is all about their hands getting pampered. But for her, it is all about her using her hands to humiliate and punish other people. That is what she did today but choking this slave using her bare hands. She did not care how painful it is and what effect it was having on the slave.
Mistress Janette likes to take instant action when she does not like something. She either tells someone off on the spot or she punishes that person on the spot. That is what she did to this loser when she realized what he was trying. She made him kneel down and she slapped him brutally. Then she made him lick her shoes before she farted on his face and made him smell it.
Jorita knew the best way to do what she wanted to this guy was to use her flirting skills. She is a sexy mistress so she wore her lingerie and then flirted with this guy for a bid and got her wrapped in his finger. Then she told him she had a new thing she wanted them to try. She then slapped him, pulled his hair and then trampled him with her high heels.